Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 78 - 19th March 2013 - Lake, Birds Nest, Ducks and Pussy Willows

Tuesday and another chilly morning, temperature is -6.0. I seem to be getting way to used to the bed these days.  It's all so new to me having never slept in I'm sure since I was in a crib. Hey I'm not complaining I can easily slip back to a week or two of 3 and 4 am roaming. Sounds like some snow for this afternoon and into tomorrow but who really knows, guess I'll wait til I see something come from the sky. So there are a few things I really need to finish up before tomorrow so they are at the top of my to do list. Maybe we will see something exciting on our walks today, who knows!
I really dislike a week of spring and then snap back into winter temperatures and weather again. It was so cold yesterday it felt like January again. Made headway with some research and baked a batch of the weekly chocolate chip cookies. Other than that it was the standard walks with Lexi and chatting with the neighbours along the way. Exercise class after supper - as usual it was a good work out.
 Seems like I'm hiding behind bushes, trees and grasses a lot these days.
 The lake was really pretty yesterday if you didn't have to face that cold northeast wind.
 Some ice crystals in the cranberry ditches.
 Nice to see the pussy willows, hope they survive the nasty weather coming up.
 From last year, wonder if they will re-use.
Through some more trees.

Time for me to get moving. Enjoy your day!

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