Friday, March 13, 2015

Day 72 - 13th March 2015 - Misty Fall Mornings and Grandmother's Journal

If you are superstitious - best be careful today, after all it is Friday the 13th! Temperature is -9 but feels much colder. The sky is covered in a million brilliant stars and the moon is bright. There is a weather statement up about Sunday but who really knows yet what it will do or how it will track. Have to get the house down to a dull roar and do a bit of menu planning for next week. I'm thinking it's time to cook a turkey on the weekend - it's been a while and will give us some great leftovers next week.
Thursday was not quite as warm as the last few days, a raw wind picked up in the afternoon.Good day in town - getting easier to walk around without a lot of fear of falling on the ice. I enjoyed the workshop I attended - got some great ideas not to get something implemented, time never seems to be my best friend. Start small and grow is perhaps the best idea and see how things go.
Grandmother's Journal: 
12th March 1976: Bob up at 5:30. He & Tom off to look for a cat. Cold and about 1 1/2 inches of snow in night. No tracks. No snow under trees in woods. I walked to work, strong north winds, not cold walking down. Walking awful as it had frozen in night. No cats. Shopped this afternoon.
13 March 1976: Bob, Bobbie and Tom left around 8 o'clock. In a snow storm which turned to rain. Rained hard all day. Fog off and on. Mild tonight. Too stormy to pick up snares. Had a flat tire, came back early. Should never have gone in storm. 
14 March 1976: Bob, Bobbie & Tom to MC to clean up snares. Overcast, sun came out - a real pretty March like day. Kim up for supper. Boys back 6 o'clock. Cat and Fox. Saw a Mink with a rabbit in McGills road. Myrt and Chester up tonight.
Am tired of snow and ice so went back to some fall photos with lots of mist over the lake and some color on the branches and landscape.
Maybe it was the fog the other morning that made me think of misty mornings.
My favourite time of year, but right now I'd be really happy with spring.

A floating Island?
A Hermit Thrush hidden on a branch.
A Blue Jay hiding in the greenery.

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Everyone needed a little of "Grandmother" today.
