Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 307 - 2nd November 2013 - Moss, Mushrooms and Shadows

Not quite so early this morning, but earlier than I should be awake.  Stars are all out and the wind has finally died. Looks like the day maybe pretty good. Temperatures are mild at +12.9 - nothing to complain about for November. Guess we'll be able to take our company and go on a little adventure today. Not sure if we'll head west or east - one of my favourite new places is the Hemeon's Head area so maybe we'll go there. Although the Hawk on Cape Sable Island is pretty cool too. Our county is blessed with so many very neat and interesting places it's hard to pick.
Wow, what weather we had on Friday - we literally blew to Bridgewater and back. At times it rained hard but not a lot. Had a great lunch at the Happy Cooker and a good visit with the owner. Managed to get a bit of shopping done, a few Christmas gifts (dare I say the word!), groceries and my appointment. So A good day with a good friend. When we arrived home our weekend guests were already here, so I put the chili on to reheat and the rolls to warm up in the oven. The guys had a cold beer and we enjoyed a relaxing evening.
Not a day for the camera so I've dug back through some photos from the last week.
The moss looks so nice and fresh.
Still some mushrooms around, with a few odd red berries.

 Strands of shadows across the road.
I like the way these gently dry and turn brown.

Chickadee trying to hide from me.

Enjoy your day!

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