Sunday eventually turned out nice, fog lifted and the sun arrived. Oh I hate to complain but the black flies are awful. I don't think they've ever been this bad - not biting but just swarms of them. Every time I tried to stop and listen or look for a bird, my eyeglasses were instantly covered in black bodies! Even the bug lotion didn't seem to deter them. Oh well, guess that's spring! Visited with Mom and Dad before lunch - took her a hanging Begonia for her Veranda. I did the minimal amount of house work I could and Larry worked out side - filling the pea boxes with soil and puttering on his green house.
Bumble Bee in the Vinca.
The Blue Jay was settled in resting on this branch.
Tulips are so pretty.
Just opening.
Always one of these guys where ever you go.
I've forgotten what this one is called. I planted it a long time ago but it has gone wild in the lawn.
Enjoy your day!
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