Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 300 - 26th October 2013 - Birds, Ducks, Leaves and Lake

It's definitely nippy this morning, temperature is 0.2, but the stars are all out. I have no idea what we'll do today - between deer hunting and duck hunting not sure it's safe to go in many directions. They are giving rain for tomorrow so this is our day to go somewhere if we want. I'll let Larry and Lexi sleep in, then we'll grab some breakfast and decide. I know grocery shopping is on the list of fun things to do. Anyway we will play it by air with no fixed plans, some days they are the best.
You can tell we are moving toward the end of October, sun is nice during the day but the air is much cooler. Once the sun starts to go down the chill sets in, so we prepare for the changing seasons. Most evenings we build a fire in the furnace; I don't bother during the day - am usually busy and I can always toss a sweater on.  Started cleaning in the library today - how can one small room be so much work. Still lots more to do. It was nice to look through some of my books, many have memories attached to them - given to me by people who were cherished and no longer here. A set of animal story books from Aunt Fran and Uncle Al who came from the USA every summer. They weren't real relatives but an older couple who were good friends with my grandparents. In those days children used the terms Mr & Mrs or sometimes Aunt & Uncle if they were close family friends as they were. I suppose those books are probably considered antiques now! I have books that belonged to my grandmother, her siblings and my dad when they were children as well. Lovely stories I read as a child too. It was kind of like taking a trip down memory lane.
We have quite a flock of Song Sparrows in the yard feeding on the seeds from the Phlox.
 Rain drops hanging off the Pine trees, sparkle in the sunlight.
 Another perfectly still morning on the lake.
 A few Chickadees were playing in the woods.

 Seems to be a lot of Squirrels around this fall - gathering up food for the winter.
 He's probably trying to sneak some cat food.
 Lots of clouds in the sky - some were dark and brought rain showers.
 The end of summer flowers and weeds.
 These mushrooms were out in the open, I assume they got touched with frost.
 Mallards flying off .
Various stages of ferns.

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love those little trips into the past....i don't feel sad anymore kind of like a "heart hug". had a little trip this morning as I used one of my Gram's baking bowls.
    Have a good day and for the love of God put some hunter orange on!
