Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 248 - 4th September 2012 - Spotted Sandpipers, Clouds, Mallards and Red Breasted Nuthatch

Tuesday and back to work, feels like I haven't been there forever. Stars are still out, daylight comes so late now. I've got  lots to do today, haven't thought about any of it all weekend - that's good. Have been trying not to bring so much of it home unless I really have to. Sometimes deadlines, etc. mean I need to but otherwise I find I'm more rested and relaxed if I'm not working on office material 24/7.

Yesterday was another nice fall day - sun and cooler. Larry worked at putting some wood in the basement and mowed the lawn, I puddled around at this and that. Looked after Lois' cats as they were away. One is rather independent, but the other likes some human companionship, especially in the morning when I go to feed them. She insists on have a cuddle and follows me, almost wrapped around my legs. We had the first of our corn from the garden last night - oh it was soo good, sweet and tasty. Larry picked some more, a few more days and the rest will be ready. Some will go in the freezer for winter.
Spotted Sandpipers on a rock in the lake. They seem to like to hang around.
The clouds went back and forth - dark one minute, fluffy and white the next - sometimes both at the same time.
Mallard - there were a few of them until someone went by in a speedboat and they flew off.
The lake was stunning yesterday afternoon.
Not quite sure what this little fellow is. But he was flitting back and forth across the road.
Love the look of trees in the lake.
Red Breasted Nuthatch perched on the telephone line.
He was so cute, and posed for me.
Time to check emails, etc. Enjoy your day!


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