Yesterday was rather an uneventful day, Lexi and I at home. Thought about taking a nap, but resisted. I think it was the quietest birthday I have ever had, so that was kind of nice. Birthday's growing up were a big event in our house. Being born in the warm months I was pretty well guaranteed most years to have two parties - one with lots of school friends, usually outside with games, etc. and one with all the family. Warm and fuzzy memories of family and friends.
Old fashion roses which grow along the road in the country side or around the seaside.
I've had blogger problems this morning........ had to reload photos, they went, just disappeared so to speak. Ah well it's Monday what would you expect! HA!HA! The Explorer rose bushes that I moved several months ago are finally making a comeback and have new leaves coming everywhere. At one point I thought I had lost them, so hopefully they will soon bloom.
Larry and Lexi are up and mobile so guess I better put the coffee back on.
Enjoy your day!
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