Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 119 - 28th April 2012 -Planting, Work and Having a fun afternoon

Well daylight started to come without me this morning, yes I slept until 6am.......lazy Saturday already? I did have two late nights (10:30pm), for you night owls I'm sure it's a laugh but I go to bed almost with the sun and get up before it. The temperature isn't quite as warm as we've had most mornings, it's only +2.7, hope it warms up. Kind of dismal looking out there. I'd like to get my new bulbs planted sometime between today and tomorrow. Maybe later today we'll take our cameras and head out on a little excursion, see if we can find some of these birds that I've been seeing photos of that aren't quite so common around here. I'm thinking I need a few bird feeders in the yard. But where to put them that I can get good photos.....and Larry doesn't complain about mowing around them. Oh yeah, I almost forgot I better do some of that dreaded housework too, can't put that off until Monday anymore!

I am glad the week is over, not used to being in the office on a regular basis. Wow I had forgotten how tired I can be on Friday night! Of course last night Larry picked me up from work and we went out to Barrington to do our grocery shopping, so didn't get home until after 6:30. I think that finished me off. First thing I did was put my pj's on when I got home - like comfort food they are my comfort clothes. Then I made a cup of tea.
Pretty and pink!
Our friendly Mallard out for a little swim.
On Dock St. - Coyle House [red], Shelburne County Museum and Cox's Warehouse.
Forsythia Bush in full bloom.
Not much in the exciting line this morning, hopefully today will be a fuller day of photos, maybe it will be a drive through the country, hard to say where we may end up. If I'm planning to do that better get another coffee and tackle some of the work around here or better yet take my turn in scrabble with Susan! And I do believe I have some Water St. chapters to read this weekend...... I'll start those this morning!
Enjoy your day!

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