Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 110 - 19th April 2012 - Old Buildings, Birds and Blooms

Another mild morning, temperature is +5.2. So I got up 45 minutes earlier than the rest of the house just to have my first cup of coffee in peace and a bit of quiet time. Yes I am truly a morning person, but I like a little bit of that on my own. I like getting up early, enjoying watching the sun rise. I'm sure as a teenager I never had to be woken up to go to school or work, and I've rarely used an alarm clock. Larry always sets one, but I don't often hear it ring. That little time in the morning allows me to put my thoughts together, plan out my day and enjoy my coffee.

What a beautiful day yesterday was and where was I - in town! Oh well I did accomplish quite a bit, more in the cleaning and organizing department than anything but needed to be done. And I opened the windows to let a little of the fresh air in. Nothing like it after a stuffy winter. Had my normal lunch at the Bean Dock, and didn't even have to work for it....... yes some days I actually work lunch time when it's busy. It's rather fun since it's not my business! Occasionally it confuses people who have been doing research at my office and then go there for lunch. A couple of years ago someone asked me if I had a twin sister. I just laughed and said yes, but should have replied "do you think we wear matching outfits at our age?" Took a few photos in town this morning.

The blue building is the Masonic Building on Water Street. It's a lovely old building. The Masons use the 2nd floor and the ground floor is normally rented out to other businesses. The Masons are an organization that have been here since the time of the Loyalists in 1783. At that time they didn't have a formal building but still met on a regular basis.  The yellow building was the former Robertson's Home Hardware. Originally built in the early 1900's by Cliff Robertson who was a tinsmith and several of his brothers. Cliff had the tin shop on the second floor, brother Stan [my great grandfather] had a shoe store and Cliff's hardware on the ground floor.  Cliff's son continued the hardware business for many years.

Went for a walk after supper. I'm getting a little concerned about our power pole and this little feathered friend. When I looked at him the first time all I could see was the tip of his tail sticking out of the hole, the rest of his body was in side and he was drilling away!
Found some ducks in the lake.
And another pair.
The lake was nicer last evening, no grey fog, just lots of shades of blue.
Rather pretty with white petals and a yellow cup. Then my camera batteries died and I headed for home. I can hear the peepers peeping away, the loons were in the lake talking up a storm. Spring has officially arrived in my mind. The days are warm and getting warmer.
I guess it's time to get the day underway, Larry and Lexi are mobile, quiet time is over. Enjoy your day!


  1. Hope you have a great day... I'm just starting my morning quiet

  2. I could not log in from home this morning, I was up and at it when my Blackberry notified me of "my blog" lol. Two loads of laundry done, clothes put away and a list of to dos for after work. Hopefully I will accomplish some of it. Glad to see the ducks are back thought they have become camera shy. Have a fantastic day :)

  3. They have become camera shy, but I am hoping that the hen is nesting and that's why. Would love to see some ducklings on the lake! Enjoy your quiet time, Donna! Sherri, don't work too hard!LOL!
