Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 116 - 25th April 2012 - Lovin' NS Weather - From Rain to Sun

At 4:45 am the day is already a bummer. It's mild again +4.9, more rain forecast for today. Woke up at 4, thanks to #1 dog child, who is sleeping away on the living room floor now, not sure what was her problem. It's my day off, and I have plans to get lots done. Made my coffee, flipped on the laptop to see what I had missed in the world of Facebook and take my turn at Scrabble, it's down. Must be all the "great" [not] timeline changes they are making lately, which most people are disliking, maybe they all just finally went nuts.
It was wild windy and raining when I left to catch my ride yesterday morning. This is the one time I can say, glad I had all those chocolates after Christmas or I may just have gotten airborne. At 4'11" there is a possibility that the wind could catch me! Certainly a quiet morning, with lots of work accomplished. By lunch time the sun had come out and I was somewhat overdressed with my muckers and jacket.
The harbour was still hazy/foggy but you can see some sunshine bling on the water.

The pigeons on Dock St. I really really dislike these birds  and when the whole flock flew at me/over me, I ended up crouched down on the street. It could have been worse, if I hadn't had my camera around my neck I would have landed flat on my stomach in the middle of the street. No, there is no humour in this story! Donna laughed as she watched me knowing my fear and she usually has  control over the things!
And around the corner were some more pretty daffodils in a yard. I just leaned over the fence to get a closer shot. They look to be nodding off.
Some lovely yellow chairs in the corner of another yard. Even in Town I can creep around a little bit. I bet someone was enjoying the sun and harbour view in these last week.
I like the color of this tulip, a deep burgundy, can't wait to see what the rest look like.
A Japonica bush. Looks almost like apple blossoms.
As I looked a little closer I found this Chickadee among the branches. By then my lunch hour was over and it was time to head back to the office.
After supper I went for a short walk and couldn't believe the things that were starting to bloom/changes in the path since Sunday. The little white violets are in full bloom. They are so much tinier than the purple ones.
Delicate, small and very pretty. This time of year it only takes a few days for things to green up, leaves and flowers to pop out. Larry mowed the grass after supper for the second time this season!
Well I guess I might as well get this day moving forward, I'm sure I will crash and burn this afternoon.
Enjoy your day!


  1. Have a wonderful day!! The white violets are absolutely beautiful and kind of put me in mind of an orchid not sure why. Another excuse for eating chocolate....I will share that with my fellow weight watcher members :)

  2. I hate them too. We had a bunch camp out on our roof for a few weeks. We had to stop putting bird feed out for all the other birds/pheasants which I hated to do. But eventually the pigeons went away. Now we need to coax back the other birds without alerting the pigeon faction.
