Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 91 - 31st March 2012 - Robins, Hail and Sunsets

It's colder this morning, the temperature is -3.8. It's the last day of the month, I can believe we are through 3 months of 2012 already. It is suppose to be a nicer day today, so lets hope so. After all it is the weekend and that demands some fine weather! Tomorrow the temperatures look even better, although it's the first day of fishing season so chances are I won't be the one going for a Sunday drive to take photos. I'm expecting a friend of Larry's on the phone today to see if he wants to go trouting tomorrow - in my mind it's not that warm, but boys will be boys.
Yesterday was not a bad day, I felt better than the day before but not 100%, that will come soon. Did shopping, errands, paid bills, all the end of the month fun stuff. Cleaned out a room and boxed up some stuff to get rid of - purging is the best form of medicine! Especially if it is stuff that's not yours to start with. I may have a big house but it's not a storage unit. Anyway, my sewing/photo room will now have more space for things I want to do. On to more freedom!
I made a couple of stabs at walking yesterday and taking photos but each time I got caught in a hail/snow storm, of course it only lasted the duration of my time outside. By the time I came in the sun sprung back out from behind the clouds again. Nothing really stayed on the ground but it was a weird and wonderful day in the weather department. Larry and Lexi spent a lot of time outside cleaning up around the yard.
I did catch this Robin on the side of the road. I'm thinking he looks a little thin and raggedy but....
The clouds in the sky changed frequently yesterday.
This is one of Larry's photos he took last week - sunset over McKay's Lake.
I'm not sure what this woodpecker has in mind, there surely can't be anything to eat in a power pole, perhaps he's building a nest!
Ah, Lexi's got Larry's hat again......

I'm sure the mayflowers will open up today or tomorrow with the promise of more sun, can't wait to see them. Enjoy your day!

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