I'm not sure yet what today has planned, I know after being away for a couple of days, laundry, groceries etc. are among the top ten fun things to do. Have a few other projects that should be cleaned up before I go back to work next month, but think I'll postpone them to another day. And I know that's not the smart thing to do but I'm doing it.
Yesterday was nicer in the city except windy, the temperatures were a little lower but the sun was out and shining. Meeting all morning, then home on the shuttle, Kim came too so we had lots of good laughs. May will be my last regular trip to the city as my term on the Board will be up. Kind of sad, as I'll miss the people and especially the Waverley Inn, although I'm sure I'll get there once in a while. It's been a great experience to sit on the CNSA Board but after four years it's someone elses turn. Time for me to find new experiences. I waited until I was home after supper to take photos. I did have some of my new crocus' in bloom when I came home, but they had closed up for the evening so will capture those later today.
Sorry I don't have much to contribute today, but some days are like that. It's the weekend, so spend some time with family and friends. Enjoy the day!
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