Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 73 - 13th March 2012 - Pussywillows, Mayflowers and more Spring!

Another mild morning; temperature is +1.6. Both of us are up early [Larry before me], as neither of us slept well so it's just as easy to get up and start the day. The sap has been running well and we already have a couple of bottles done for us. Larry & Danny share their syrup, the sap all goes into one pot to boil down, and yes for all those who wonder it takes a lot of sap to make a small bottle of syrup!

Yesterday was one gorgeous day, +17.8 here in the afternoon. I knew I couldn't stay inside all day so took a break and had a walk around the neighbourhood. Other than the sound of chainsaws working up the road and some renovation work elsewhere in the hood, all was quiet! I made some progress on my report, but seemed like I did a lot of research and very little accomplished - but I'm to that point where people just drop off the face of the earth! Today is another day and I've got to work on some Water St. for Karen, CNSA work and Fire Dept books and a meeting tonight. Sounds like another fun filled day, oh well I'm sure I can find a diversion somewhere along the line.
The path is pretty with lots of sunlight and shadows from the trees.

A woodland octopus, perhaps? I just like the way all the branches go this way and that way.
The moss and these leaves seem to have stayed green all winter.
The lake was calm and blue; the sky was cloudless.
And like the ocean, the lake has natural debris as well, leaves, pine needles and such along the shoreline.
And I'm hanging upside down on the edge of the ditch hunting for mayflower buds and I found one, but then I heard a car coming..... this pose is not very lady like so I jump up, only to find Cindy stopping. She wouldn't have cared!
And the pussywillows are on their way, in some places they are already open, these are just starting.
I was rather excited about finding bulbs sprouting through the ground, but Karen already has her Crocus' in bloom...........they were beautiful and I'm jealous!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos but the one of the path in woods is just begging for footprints!! I would love to take a little walk on that path today.
