Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day 326 - 22nd November 2014 - Snow, Ice and Grandmother's Journal

Pretty  this morning - stars are out, snow on the ground but it's cold. Temperature is -4.3. No idea what we've got planned for today, but there is lots to do in Shelburne today. Maybe we'll take in a few festivities.  Larry is taking the fire truck in the parade this evening.
It was a day of mixed weather ...again - snow, sun, snow and sun. The temperature is more seasonal too, so we get used to it a moan for the next few months. Had my morning walk, did a few things around home and then we went to town to do groceries and some errands. I ran in to one of my readers who had a special request - he misses Grandmother's Journals. I must agree it's been too long so here's a few entries:
"21 Nov 1976: Cold high winds all day and this evening. Glass below 29. Finished moving today. Slept in town tonight. Two loads today. Kim up for supper. Real tired tonight. Snow flurries off and on. Bobbie up home trapping. Doing very poorly. Have seen a lot of snow birds.  In town now for the winter.  
22 Nov 1976: Overcast some sun. High winds, light snow flurries. To MC to pick up Jake. Left Tom. Kim, Bob & I back to town. 11:30 off to Yarmouth. Worried about Jake's eyes. Vet didn't find anything. Back to MC for Tom and to leave Jake. Cold tonight. Everywhere Snowbirds this year. Bob's birthday, 61 years. today. "  [Tom & Jake were two of their hound dogs]  Grandfather would have been 99 today, he passed away in 2002.For those of you that are new, my paternal grandparents lived in Middle Clyde, in the early years before they had electricity and a telephone they moved to town for the winter months. My grandmother always kept a journal and I'm fortunate enough to have them.
A little ice and snow in the cranberry ditch.
Winter in the country.
The lake has certainly risen.
What leaves are left on trees were snow covered.
As was the grasses.
I was late getting out so the bling wasn't near as good. Early sunlight is the best time.

The Hydrangea is wearing it's snow cap.

Enjoy your day!

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