Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 306 - 2nd November 2014 - Reflections, Woodpecker and Blue Jay

A windy morning out there, dark and overcast, hope everyone remembered to set their clocks back an hour. The time change takes a little getting used to.  More rain coming today, sounds like a good inside day but perhaps we'll be lucky and it will break long enough for a walk. Perhaps it will be a good day to make bread and get Larry do some things inside he hasn't had time to do for a while. Who knows what the day will bring.
Went off to Yarmouth yesterday by the time we finished our visiting it started to rain so no photos. Got some shopping and errands done then headed home. Really busy in the stores and I dislike crowds and hanging in line ups, but that's the way most places are on a Saturday. On the way up we say a Bald Eagle and a mink, other than a few juncos and other birds around the roadsides that was about it. Pretty dull but we weren't hunting hard. Larry built a fire in the furnace when we got home, damp and chilly, warms the house up.

It really did look like a layer of ice holding this leave in place a few mornings ago.

Woodpeckers are all around these days.
 The Blue Jays add a punch of color among the branches that hold few leaves.

Birch trees are so interesting with their layers of paper that seem to peel.
An earlier view this week of a peaceful morning.

Enjoy your day!

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