Mild this morning, +4.6 and suppose to be a damp day - little rain but not a whole lot. Up early to get ready to work the breakfast. That pretty well takes the whole morning, as we rarely get home much before noon by the time we clean up after wards. I guess I'll finish off the housework and I bought a pork roast to cook for Sunday supper, hopefully leftovers for Monday. That sounds like Sunday in a nutshell.
Saturday turned out really nice. Sun came out - dashed behind a few clouds later in the afternoon but still not shabby. I got out fairly early after breakfast and hit the hood. It was one of those total peaceful mornings on the lake with few neighbours out and around yet. It was chilly at that point and I wore gloves but it warmed up before I got back. Tried out some pishing (silly bird noises) to see if I could convince some Warblers or a Thrush out of hiding but all I managed was a Blue Jay, a Squirrel and a Crow. Think I've lost my touch from last year - might need to fine tune that technique. After 2 hours of roaming just before I got home I heard a Yellow Rumped Warbler, high in some trees. Got a shot but not a great one, no way was he coming down closer even though he flitted from tree to tree. There will be more, he's the first. Larry worked on the greenhouse he's building - nothing fancy. It's on the side of the wood house made from some old windows he has collected. I managed an hour on the deck to finish my book and enjoy the fine day.

The Starlings are gathering nesting material.
Such a calm morning on the lake, you could almost flip the photo upside down.
A pair of Flickers.
You can never see too many Chickadees.
And finally I found a Yellow Rumped Warbler! So happy, made my day.
Evening Grosbeaks are still around they yard every day.
I know the Starlings get a bad rap, but when the sun hits them, their iridescent colors are pretty.
My Daffodils are pretty well all in bloom, just a few left to open. These blooms are splattered in mud from the last rain.
This male Flicker spends a lot of time in the yard, either at the suet, on the feeder or hollering in a near by tree. I didn't realize how long their tongues were til he stuck his out.
Enjoy your day!