Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 137 - 16th May 2012 - Ducks, Swallows & Clouds

It's Wednesday, the middle of the week and my day off. Having a break midway through is great except...... it seems to rain every Wednesday lately. Very mild this morning at +13.7, makes it hard to sleep when it's this warm.  I'm up again earlier than usual, thanks to a four legged girl named Lexi, who I've now convinced to go back to bed while I sit here, typing away! I guess if it is going to rain that means housework, etc. today and more time to enjoy the sunny long weekend. Hope the black flies and mosquitoes leave by then (not holding my breath on that one). I'm planning some time on the deck with the Water St. book, working on editing and perhaps a cooler or two. Our time is drifting very close as we want to launch in July, which means I'm lagging on my end as Karen is very dilligently working away. I want photos lots of photos too, some I've gathered up over the last few months but I know there are lots more I need to get. Inserting photos in just the right place and formatting the pages are time consuming, but the part of the job I like the most.

Tuesday was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. I even turned on the air conditioner at work. First day I wore sandals too, except for those 2 very warm days in March! Somewhat frustrated with  research I'm doing but will try the Registry of Deeds later this weeks in hopes of finding a son/father connection somewhere in a land transaction. Otherwise I'm going to have to come up with some thing creative! Found more birds in town today on my lunch hour than I did at home. The advantage of carrying my camera in my purse - it's always at my ready.
A reflective Lake in the morning as I walked to my ride.

These three friendly fellows where enjoying the grass along Dock St. lunch time.
They weren't terribly concerned that I was there or traffic was driving by.
This swallow was actually right in the middle of town. There were several of them, think they've set up housekeeping. Maybe this is the female shouting out orders to her spouse!
Now I know why she was shouting, he's standing around doing nothing!
Clouds have certainly been unusual lately. On some of the webcabs there was a roll cloud on the weekend at this end of the province, pretty cool and I guess fairly unusual.
Time for another coffee, the rest of the household will soon be getting up, guess I got my quiet time this morning. Enjoy your day!


  1. Is the land thing something I could help with? I have access to some online databases being a realtor or does this go back quite a ways?
