Sunday, December 27, 2015

Day 361 - 27th December 2015 - Mountain Bluebirds, Great Egret and Guillemot

Sunday morning - stars and moon from last night are all hidden behind clouds now. Rain is on it's way for today. Heard an owl up the lake. In the quiet of the early morning hard to tell just how far away they are. Will let Larry have a sleep in - he's back to work tomorrow which means it's lunchbox prep day. Short lived break from that. Maybe tidy up the Christmas gifts and finish the book I'm reading.
We had a great Boxing Day. Went to Cape Sable Island to do some birding and finally I found the Mountain Bluebirds - lifer! Found the Great Egret but he was too far for good shots, lots of  Gulls but didn't notice any of them being unusual or different. The Snowy Owls seem to be absent as well. Stopped to visit Irene and Billy and actually caught them home. Normally we would poke down through Baccaro and homeward that way but decided since Larry still had to fish an extension cord through the foundation for the de-icer stuffy (technical term) on the roof we should just go straight home. I got my walk in even though it was late in the afternoon.
 Finally after 4-5 trips, I found the Mountain Bluebirds.

They are handsome birds.

Guillemot at the Wharf in Daniel's Head.
The Great Egret was across the marsh - no way was he coming closer for good shots!
And of course no day is complete without a Chickadee.

Enjoy your day!

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