Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 348 - 14th December 2015 - White-Throated Sparrow, Starling and Morning Dew

 Monday once again and a too early start to the day for me! Time to get some decorations around the house. I'm about 2 weeks late with that and a week early putting up the tree. Guess it will all equal out in the end.  Sounds like a messy couple of days in the weather department - that will be good for inside work. Hopefully I'll get out for a tramp around the hood before anything starts today.
A successful Sunday! Lots of things done and progress has definitely been made. Some cookies decorated, parcel done up and ready to ship, decorations out of the closet, tree up and decorated. Larry got the stuff on the roof - well almost all done - just one short side left to do. And we cooked a turkey for supper..leftovers this week - Rah! I know less than 2 weeks til Christmas and we have turkey. They were on sale - (cheaper than Chicken) and since we go to Mom and Dad's Christmas Dinner we miss out on the leftovers.
 White-Throated Sparrow. I was so lucky to be able to catch this fellow and have him pose for me.
 Seems he had a little itch.
Sparkling dew on the grass.

Had a couple of Starlings in the yard yesterday morning.

Someone didn't quite finish their apple.

Enjoy your day!

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