Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 334 - 30th November 2015 - Sunset, Cape Light and Waves

A dusting of snow on the ground this morning, stars and moon are bright in the sky and a chill in the air. Last day of November and the Lobster Season opens in our area. May it be a safe and successful one. For over 200 years fishing has been a main industry along our coast - a dangerous one, but men and women continue to go to sea. For some it's in their blood. One of my grandfathers made his lively hood from fishing as did his father and numerous uncles. Not an easy life back then and I can remember growing up on tales of fishing from a dory, coming home with a "broker" - no fish = no money and war time with foreign ships in the water.  Later years Grammy convinced him to work on land, it was easier but never what he was happy doing.
By the time we got home from working the breakfast, both of us were pretty tired. Built a fire in the furnace and headed to town for groceries. A stop at Cathy & Harold's provided a couple of hours of fun and laughter as the girls were making wreaths. Sometimes I envy those who have sisters. 
The sun was setting from the mall parking lot.
A gull in flight from another day.
The light at the Cape.
A few shot of a rocky shoreline - Baccaro.
Enjoy your day!

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