Saturday remained overcast and rather dreary. It had the appearance of rain most of the day and was windy. I roamed the hood in the morning but couldn't find so much as a chickadee. Larry worked in the woodpile, I did some things around the house, whipped up homemade pizza for supper. Made a trip to town for groceries. Not a terribly exciting day that's for sure. We went visiting to Upper Clyde after supper, had a lovely evening with lots of laughs but on the way home we had a flat tire. We managed to get to the pavement and streetlights so we could change it.
This fellow is back for a visit in the Lake. Sollitary Sandpiper, saw him last fall about this time too and in the same spot.
This Northern Parula in the apple tree wasn't having any part of posing for me.
She's out in the yard every night after supper. Occasionally I hear her through out the day.
Enjoy your day!
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