Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 79 - 20th March 2014 - Morning over the Harbour, Song Sparrow and Mergansers

Today at 1:57 pm is the first day of Spring - rah!! The Old Farmer's Almanac tells us this is the season of the rebirth of flora and fauna, longer days and warmer temperatures. All I can say is that I'm ready and no matter what the weather people throw at us for the next week or so - I know that it won't last; that the sun will take it away quicker than a month or so ago. I was up too early again this morning - 4:15 am, it's beginning to be habit forming and really I should be sleeping better on this time change or that is my norm but for some reason not this year. I stood on the deck with Lexi a little while ago and looked at the stars high in the sky, temperature is -1.4 so that's better than most mornings this week. Soon I can move a deck chair out of the storage shed and enjoy my morning coffee on the deck, waiting for the birds to wake up and visit the feeders - the way I like to start the day.
Had a decent day in town, lunch at the Beandock - caught up with the news. Researcher was in that I know so we also had a good chat. I helped her and she helped me - so all was good. Got some work done, but had a headache all day so wasn't really up to plowing through a lot of stuff. Should have gone for a walk after supper - need to get myself out of a rut and back on the road - soon.
 The moon was on it's way to bed over the Park.
 Playing in the brier patch seems to be a regular Wednesday morning event for me lately.
 He was singing his little heart out - think he's looking for a wife!
 Windows in the Barrel Factory.
 The lighthouse appeared to be "floating".
 It was pretty looking across at the Park.
 Mergansers were having breakfast in the Harbour.

Enjoy your day!

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