I have lots of things on my bucket list for the winter, wonder how many I will actually get accomplished. Some are kind of fun, others rather dull. First up next week will be to go through the photos on my computer, flash drive and external hard drives and decide on a few to print off. I'd like to see if I can sell some this fall. Might be good Christmas presents, I'm thinking. I'll try getting some inexpensive frames and put them in the Bean Dock on consignment. Then there is the "Spring" cleaning - we won't discuss that yet as I need a day or two of other things before diving in.
Yesterday felt like summer - warm and beautiful, except no humidity. Really hard to know what to put on when you leave the house these days, have to work with layers. I've actually had some of the windows open in the house the last few days. This weather is easy on the wood pile, can live like this for a while longer.
Well time to get moving. Enjoy your day!
I did sleep in lol....a coffee and a couple of moose sausage...then jumped in the shower and soap in the eyes will sure wake a girl up!! The photo idea is great and perhaps when they have the Christmas crawl you could set up...photos are a great gift idea and especially for those away :) Have a good morning...I am going to try and get up just before lunch. Kathy is off this afternoon she has her cutie petutie grandson Tyson....and he sures brings out the smiles....she although tired this morning is beaming from ear to ear.