Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 358 - 24th December 2014 - Blue Jays, Woodpecker and Tree Lights

It's Christmas Eve and another important occasion for DH (dear hubby) and I. On this day 31 years ago during a blizzard we were married. Happy Anniversary Larry! Some days are good, some great and some not so good, but it takes work and lots of love to make it this long. Some people will be rushing around do last minute errands and shopping - glad I don't need to see the inside of a grocery store today. Will try to get out for a roam this morning if it's not raining.
Well finished off tidying up the house - or as good as it gets as I noticed cobwebs again...wood furnace - can never truly get rid of the webs. Larry and Lexi went in town in the morning and finished the gift deliveries - leaving me to whip around and get everything done. Oh yes I was still working on his Christmas gift - I can only do it when he's not around. Technology is frustrating me, but I'm plodding along and finally got it working after supper last evening - Rah! Google is a wonderful thing! We both spent a lazy afternoon - reading, the weather was dreadful as it will be for the next few days so not great for walking or roaming. A few flurries early then rain.
Not much for photos - mostly from the kitchen windows.
Lots of Blue Jays, nothing stops them.

The pair of Woodpeckers hang around most of the day, not sure what she's got her eyes on here, maybe some seeds that have dropped in the crack.
The lights on the Christmas Tree were reflecting in the  window on the Lilac Tree outside.

Enjoy your day!

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