Saturday, August 2, 2014

Day 214 - 2nd August 2014 - Leaves, Butterfly, Ducks and Magnolia Warbler

Definitely heading out this morning to go in search of shorebirds. I warned Larry last night - up early baby! He can sleep in on Sunday since they are giving rain. Now to just figure out where I want to go. Originally I thought the Hawk Beach and work my way back around, but they are having "Hawk Dayz" so I'm not so sure. My cousin assures me most of the activities will be later but I'm not sure. My other option would be Hemeon's Head which I love and know there won't be many people there - only a few other birders maybe. I would like to try for those Oyster Catchers at the Hawk though. I still have an hour or so to decide.
Another busy day at work on Friday but I got a lot of other things done as well as looked after researchers. More boxes are emptied out. Have had some nice folks in this week - from the USA and other parts of Canada.  Our summer student is making great headway too, since it's August I won't have her for many more weeks either.
 Oak leaves - turned with color dipped in dew.
 A heavy mist on the lake yesterday morning.
 Little bursts of yellow.
 I'm seeing lots of Bees around again.
 A little bit of relaxation on the rock.
This is either a Clouded Sulphur or an Orange Sulphur.

 Not great photos yesterday morning, too many leaves to hide behind but I think this is the Magnolia Warbler.
Enjoy your day!