Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Day 229 - 16th August 2016 - Morning Reflections, Song Sparrow and Northern Parula

The wind feels like it's hauled more northerly this morning, blowing some of the humidity out - hopefully it remains that way today.  Would be a nice relief.
Need I say another day of more heat, humidity and no rain. They are now forecasting rain for Tuesday night into Wednesday, fingers crossed but not holding my breath. Those weather people are wrong way too many times! The lake was so calm and peaceful Monday morning, making a good start to the day except my glasses kept steaming up when I was chasing birds in the bushes.
Grandmother's Journal:
15 August 1977: Overcast and drizzle early. Clearing and beautiful this evening. Kim came up with us. Gorgeous tonight. No birds around now. Saw twin fawns on way home.  Home 5 o'clock.
16 August 1977: Cold over night. Saw Doe & fawn in Warner's field. Lovely day. Kim back with us tonight as we are home earlier for a few days. See a few Partridges now. Over to Reggie's for a few minutes this evening
17 August 1977: Very hard rain some places thunder and lightning. In distance from us. Very hard rain. Kim came up with us. Tired tonight. 
Even as a teenager I enjoyed my time in Middle Clyde. Loved roaming the woods, usually with one of the dogs by my side. 

Reflections in the lake as the sun made it's way through the morning clouds.
You see more rocks than water these days.

Song Sparrow.
Northern Parula

Enjoy your day!

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