Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 17 - 17th January 2015 - Evening Grosbeaks, Crow and Chickadees

It's a chilly morning out there, -13 right now, sure to drop again. I see some snow down but can't tell  how much. No idea what's happening today, too cold for Larry to put wood in, unless the temperature rises later. We will have to do the weekly grocery shopping and sometime probably tomorrow, we'll do some birding. I'll take a run around the hood later this morning.
Friday was housework day - at least it's down to a dull roar again. Some dusting, sweeping and all that fun stuff. Lexi and I roamed around - it's slippery in places underfoot so I usually make a separate trip with Big B.  Dog, leash, big lens and ice  = disaster! In better weather it's not a problem. My life is not terribly exciting these days but that's fine, a little dull works for me right now.  You can hear the lakes talking now - groaning and growling; they echo back and forth. Pan fried Haddock and potato wedges for supper, was good and a nice change.
Finally some Evening Grosbeaks. There were 3 pairs and they stopped for short time.
One of the males.
A sliver of the moon, high in the sky!
One of the regular Crows that tend the hood. I believe they are like watchdogs, you can hear them all over.
A little sunshine appears and my bulbs start to sprout through the ground.
He tries and tries but can't get into this feeder.
A little annoyed!
There are lots of Chickadees this year, every time I look out there seem to be more, flying back and forth between feeders and bushes.
Some times they take a break on the fence.

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean not exciting? Look at those Grosbeaks! :-)
