Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 240 - 27th August 2013 - Waves, Lighthouse and Birds

Guess the power must have been out during the night I woke up to the clock flashing and my fan off. So I'm really amazed I have internet, won't jinx it though. Looks like the sun will break through and then a few days of showers. Larry will be pleased with that, the garden is starting to get dry. Positive thoughts for a good day. Life is too short to be mired down, I just need to remember that when difficult people pass my path. Just smile and let it go. They'll never know what's making me smile!
Glad we got past Monday. It started out great on my walk, more birds flitting around my head than I could get photos of but went downhill once I got to work. The afternoon leveled out though. Wish I had another half hour to settle in on a good rock while the birds were so active. I could stand in the road and they just buzzed back and forth over my head, pretty cool but too fast for me to decide which direction I should point and focus my camera. Maybe another day.  A supper of leftovers -  haddock, potatoes and beans from the garden. Larry's been freezing beans pretty steady lately for the winter, he's got most of the first batch done up, by next week there will be more ready to pick. Exercise class last evening, I think I was in pain before I left!
 You can't go to the shore without a few waves.

The Baccaro light.

 A beautiful morning on the lake - the fog lifted quickly.

 Maybe a Northern Parula.
 Black and White Warbler.
I'm quite sure this is a Northern Parula.

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. Positive thoughts! I shall keep on smiling ...negativity breeds negativity .....
    Love the lighthouse shot and the birds well they are growng on me.
    Have a great day
