Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 18 - 18th January 2017 - Evening Grosbeaks, Inkspots and Red Breasted Nuthatch

Nice mild day on Tuesday, although the wind made it feel a bit cool. Sun was good and was feeling stronger. Well the doughnut business was a disaster - not sure what went wrong but once I figure it out I'll try again. If anyone has made them in an airfryer, let me know. I spent most of the day in the kitchen after doing some grant work. Made  Turkey Soup, Biscuits and Chocolate Chip Cookies.  It was Cathy's day to visit on her way home from work so I sent the cookies home with her, and fed her soup and biscuits hot out of the oven.  Had the whole flock of Evening Grosbeaks at the feeders - it was flurry of yellow - bright and beautiful. I counted at least 36. Lexi and I did a little roaming, she's going further each day and I can notice a big difference in her now. Trivia last night - we almost won - got down to a three way tie but we lost on the second round of that. What fun!
Male Evening Grosbeak

Part of the gang - all the feeders were filled.

Nature's Inkspots.

Red-Breasted Nuthatch at Lois' suet feeder.

Enjoy your day!

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