Monday, April 4, 2016

Day 95 - 4th April 2016 - Robin, Song Sparrow and Evening Grosbeaks

I so dislike waking up to snow on the ground and more to come later today, or so they say. It seems it will be another good day for spring cleaning - blah!  There's nothing much you can do about the weather besides complain. So might as well suck it up and make the best of it.
Sunday started out with some sunshine so I got dressed and headed out for my walk. Didn't take long before the sun disappeared and storm clouds rolled in. Made it home before the rain started. A few hours later it was mixed rain/snow, then hard snow and after supper - the sunshine reappeared. Puttered around the house doing up some things, then a birthday party for a dear friend in the afternoon. Larry worked in the wood pile til the weather changed.
 Robin on the trail.
 Song Sparrows were singing everywhere.
Where did the sun go??
 Came home to find new birds at the feeders.
 The male Evening Grosbeak returned with his wife and by then it was raining.
 She doesn't look impressed.
And then came the snow - Goldfinch.

Enjoy your day!

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