Sunday, April 17, 2016

Day 108 - 17th April 2016 - Hermit Thrush, Green Wing Teals, Sanderlings and a Gull

Not quite so windy this morning. The Song Sparrow is singing already even though daylight hasn't quite arrived. A few ducks can be heard in the lake and peepers out along the roadside. My time of the day. No idea what's on the agenda, maybe a little trip around the Clyde loop although it's probably too early to see much. We'll see where the wind takes us.
We had a good adventure, however on hindsight I might have picked inland instead of the coastline. The wind was wicked and quite chilly.  Headed off to Blanche first, not much around but the two Hermit Thrushes (made the trip worthwhile) and some Chickadees and Gulls. Larry spotted Common Eiders with the binoculars way off. On to Baccaro for more Gulls and Eiders. A few Buffleheads and Mergansers in some of the ponds along the road. Then off to Cape Sable Island - it was low tide by the time we arrived. I found the Sanderlings on Daniel's Head Beach but once again everything was quiet. We had our packed lunch then went over to Barrington for groceries and homeward bound. Still time to get some things done at home - woodpile for Larry, kitchen work for me.

I finally found my favourite songster -  the Hermit Thrush at Blanche. There were two of them.

A pair of Green Wing Teals - wished the light had been on the other side.

 Three of the twelve Sanderlings that were running along Daniel's Head beach.
A gull - immature but not going to try figuring out what kind.

Enjoy your day!

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