Thursday, April 9, 2015

Day 99 - 9th April 2015 - Goldfinches, Juncos and Grandmother's Journal

Temperature is -2 and it's snowing again - when does it end?? Rain tomorrow then some milder/warmer days I hope. Am getting anxious to get out and do some birding on the weekends now - if the weather ever improves. Mostly we've been doing drive by birding, and I really prefer to get out and roam an area. Maybe Saturday or Sunday. Today it's back to the book and spring cleaning. Might even make it to exercise class tonight.
Wednesday was a good day and a fair amount accomplished. Also remembered to stop at the Doctor's office and have my files transferred to my new one, pick up a temporary insurance card and the registration for the car. Got some research done for the book and a few other errands done. Sun came out and was nice, melting more snow - just what we like to see. It's amazing when you come home from being gone all day to see just how much has disappeared, even though there is lots more to go.
Grandmother's Journal: 
9th April 1976: Bob, Tom to MC all day working. Beautiful morning. I walked to work. Became overcast and cold by supper time. Fire at 6 o'clock over behind Wildwood Motel. Fire Dept. were very quick and got it out. Snow over night, off in the day. 
10th April 1976: Bob & Tom to MC., worked, home early. Quite a snow storm again this evening. Real messy. I cooked and drove down for a paper when Bob came home. Bobbie & Bettie drove gas barrel up to MC in afternoon. 
11th April 1976: Everything covered with snow this morning. Sun came out, everything dripping. Snow disappeared. Sunny, late afternoon rain. Bob, Mike & Tom to MC. Bobbie up later. I stayed home all day. Lots of fishermen around. Bobbie & Mike - three fish. 

Some of the Phlox are still standing - spindly and brown twigs.
The Goldfinches don't seem to care about the weather, so long as the feeders are full.
The Juncos are active and lively. Not nearly as shy as they were at the first of the winter.
And then there is Harriett who helps herself to anything and everything.
Wonder if I can find these Crocuses today.

Enjoy your day!

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