Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 109 - 19th April 2015 - Tree Swallows, Killdeer, Pussy Willows and Dandelions

So the weather man was off kilter again, no snow out there this morning, thank goodness. I can hear peepers and a couple of birds chirping even though it's not daylight yet. But it's soon coming. Needless to say I'm the only one up. The Freeport Firemen's breakfast is this morning so we'll hit that before going on our way. Seems like we just got here and it's time to turn around and go home. Just the same it was nice to escape for a night and we love coming here.
Had a great trip up to the Island, quiet on the roads yesterday morning as we made our journey. Spotted an Eagle in Weymouth as well as a number of Tree Sparrows. Caught the 10:30 am ferry over. We got settled in and had lunch - Dorothy made her wonderful seafood chowder.  Boy it was good - no diet this weekend! Then I went for a roam around. Mostly ducks, gulls, lots of tree sparrows and a couple of new lifers - Killdeer and Bufflehead Duck. No warblers once again. We took Lexi and went to Beautiful Cove and drove around the village to see if we could find anything interesting.We all went over to Mary and Gerald's for supper - was nice to visit with them again. Lexi and I walked back, flushed out a Pheasant and of course I had no camera with me that time.

Tree Swallows in Weymouth. There are lots in Freeport, I watched them down at the shore - duck and dive catching flies and bugs.
Boar's Head Light at Tiverton.
Female Bufflehead Duck in a pond at Tiverton. There were also lots at Freeport.
The male Bufflehead.
They have Dandelions in bloom.

Skunk cabbage - the first flower of spring, Roger tells me. Although I think this year it bloomed under the snow. I don't remember seeing any at home.
Not a great shot - but they are a Male and Female Green Wing Teal.

Pussy Willows - I've yet to find any at home yet. So I'm guessing the Island must be  a little ahead of us in the season.

The Killdeer in flight. Never sure why my lifers are never great shots, but they are good enough for an ID.

 Peter's Island with the light way in the background.
I like the bright red of this building, I assume it's some kind of work/fish shack.

Enjoy your day!