A mild but rather grey Thursday. The sun tried desperately to come out and did a few times but clouds hung around. Rain began early in the evening. Birds at the feeders off and on but not steady, as it warms up they are here less. Walked way over to the point in the morning, very quiet in the morning - only the ducks in the coves and a few Chickadees throughout the woods. Exercise class last evening - I've not quite recovered from Monday yet.
Grandmother's Journal:
11 March 1976: Beautiful day Bob took me to work. He & Tom up home to work today. Made fish chowder for supper. Kim was here for supper but went home as Ruth was taking Bettie and Kim with them to Bridgewater.
12 March 1976: Another beautiful day. Not as warm as yesterday. Bob, Bobbie, Mike to MC to cleaning up their trapping season. I worked in the kitchen all day. Bettie nd Kim went to Bridgewater with Mother, Ruth and Anne shopping. Catherine asked me to go with her but I decided not to go. Kim back up here tonight.
13 March 1976: Bob home today. Overcast all day. Some light showers. Kim up after Sunday School. Gone to Church. Kim back for the night. This is the March Break.
A few pieces of deadwood have appeared after the winter.
Keeping my eyes open for Wood Ducks and others but for now mostly Mallards and Black Ducks in the coves.
And the warm weather brought out more Crocuses.
Enjoy your day!
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