Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 144 - 24th May 2015 - Northern Parula, Baltimore Oriole, Apple Blossoms and a Humming Bird

Temperature is +4, but looks like a nice day in the making. Going to take a short road trip this morning (I'm not sure where yet) then Larry has to go finish up the job he started yesterday. That will give me the afternoon to roam the hood and do lunch box prep.
I didn't get too far Saturday, but it was a good day in the yard. Had a surprise visitor - male Baltimore Oriole which really thrilled me. All the regular visitors were here as well including the Chipping Sparrow who showed up in the evening. Got some photos I was happy with. Got in my morning walk and one with Lexi around lunch. Saw Northern Parulas, Mallards, Chickadees and the Belted Kingfisher zipped across a cove in the lake. It was definitely not a warm day and blew hard. Made the run to town when Larry came home, did groceries and a stop at Frenchy's for a dress (which I now hate), capris and some shorts. Larry worked in the wood pile after supper, I puttered around inside.
Not many mornings I don't see at least one Norther Parula in the hood, lately there have been a pair hanging out together.
Purple Finch - they are pretty in the yard.
My latest visitor - Baltimore Oriole.
I picked up oranges for him when I went to town and put one out but he only seems to like these apple blossoms
He stayed around til dark, hope he returns.
The Bees were busy doing their job, nice to see them around.
The Cedar Waxwings will arrive in the next week or so to enjoy the Apple Blossoms too.
Hummingbirds are so tiny and beautiful when the light hits them.

Enjoy your day!

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