Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 196 - 15th July 2014 - Lake, St. Johnswort and The Forest

I woke up thinking it was Wednesday, but that didn't last long. Another couple of rainy days, guess we can use a little rain, means people won't have to worry about wells, forests fires etc. quite so much. Lots to do at work - a couple of research projects I'd like to get cleaned up and off my desk this week.
Monday seemed like an awful long day at work, spent mostly in front of the computer after a weekend of fun and adventure. Some days you just have to suck it up and live in reality. Managed to get a few things done, had lunch at my parents with my nephew who is home visiting on vacation. Ate way too much especially when it came to dessert of Khaula Trifle, so it was a good thing it was exercise night.
 A slow sunrise over the lake yesterday morning.

I think this is St. Johnswort which grows in abundance along the roadsides.
A boat in the harbour, there were a number of them - local and visiting.

A few more from the Cape.
 Always Gulls where ever we go.
The "Forest" on the Cape.

Enjoy your day!

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