Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Day 22 - 22nd January 2019 - Song Sparrow, Chickadee and Junco

It's cold out there this morning with the wind blowing and the temperature at -12 , but the moon and stars are shining brightly in the sky. Almost as bright as if it were daytime. This month is passing by rather quickly, really only another week and it will be gone. Just today and tomorrow left of the antibiotics and they will be done,  I'm so glad. The last few days have been the worse I've felt since I had a flu bug a few years ago. Next week the tooth gets extracted and all should be well again. Yesterday was a frustrating day, our landlines all went out the night before, my internet was wonky - and of course both of those things I needed to use. Did get a little work done on the last of the grant apps and will do up the rest  in a while and send  to Cady for input and finishing touching. Will be glad to have those gone. Then I'm off to town later this morning for an appointment and some errands. After two days in the house it will be good to have a short excursion.  I love watching the birds at the feeders and around the yard in the winter. Doesn't matter that there aren't always new ones but to see the interactions between species is very interesting. Some are quite happy to share a feeder, others want their own. Size does not always mean anything, I've seen some of the small birds put the run to bigger ones.
 One of our 6 chubby Song Sparrows

Chickadee - they are moving so fast these days it's hard to get a pic. 
We have  5-6 Juncos in the yard this winter too.

Enjoy your day!

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