Saturday, November 25, 2017

Day 325 - 25th November 2017 - Flowers, Frost and Reflections

Today is going to be so much better! I've actually slept til 5:30am, a cup or two of coffee and I'll be ready to tackle some of the fall cleaning and get things whipped into place around here. Rah!  Of course what I'd really like to do is start my Christmas baking but I'm holding myself back on that one til the end of next week when I finish work. Another thing I really like to do at home on my own without the nearest and dearest under foot. Ah well, I'll figure it out. Yesterday morning I got rid of the tooth that was bothering me, hanging by a thread, quick and easy to remove. Picked up a few groceries then home, Larry grabbed his stuff and headed to camp. Margie and I did lunch, had no errands so it was an early afternoon. Caught up on the some laundry last night, etc. then a lazy evening with kobo, tv and laptop.
 After all the wind we've had these wild flowers are still holding.
Another perfect day for reflections

Enjoy your day!

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