Saturday, July 30, 2016

Day 212 - 30th July 2016 - Blackburnian Warbler, Black Throated Blue Warbler and Black & White Warbler

My weekend to work - it's not so bad. We'll work on some more needle felted birds for the gift shop between visitors. Yup if I can't go birding I'll make them! Might even gather some more flowers for pressing - always  projects on the go. Before work I'll either get an hour in around the hood or do the dreaded grocery shopping.
Had a great morning walk, Friday - lots of birds around. It's nice to spend an hour practically in one spot just trying to catch them as they whizz by and flit through the tree branches searching for breakfast.  Of course this time of year the only problem is figuring out what some of them are as the youngsters don't look like their parents yet. It was nice to finally spot the Blackburnian and BlackThroated Blue Warblers. They are two that I see in the hood every year but have managed to evade me this year. Well the rain forecast for yesterday/last night, once again only amount to a hand full of raindrops. This is the lowest I've seen the lake in many years.
Blackburnian Warbler. Maybe a Female or young male.

Magnolia Warbler

Female Black-Throated Blue Warbler, now if I can just catch the male!

Black & White Warbler

Northern Parula got the prize.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Seriously, how on earth do you remember these birds. I never knew there were so many warblers. :)

  2. Lol to Moe's comment!! I am not a huge lover of birds but Kim's enthusiasm has rubbed off. I get quite proud of myself when I correctly identify one. I have a Robin who decided to nest in my forsythia bush and another bird (yet to get a good look as it swoops into the Yew). They are growing on me. Have a good day at work Kim

  3. Lol to Moe's comment!! I am not a huge lover of birds but Kim's enthusiasm has rubbed off. I get quite proud of myself when I correctly identify one. I have a Robin who decided to nest in my forsythia bush and another bird (yet to get a good look as it swoops into the Yew). They are growing on me. Have a good day at work Kim
