Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 177 - 25th June 2013 - Foggy Morning, Birds, Squirrel and Grasses

Made up for the oversleeping yesterday morning by getting up an hour earlier this morning. Groan - will be a long day. I'm making no derogatory comments about the weather this week - thinking positive in hopes it will change by the weekend. Last year on the long weekend we took a day and went to Johnson's Pond with a picnic - it was a great day and I'd love to be able to do something like that this year. Just realized that I've had my camera for about a year now, wow can't believe it's gone by so fast and I've taken so many photos with it. Taking a lot of pics doesn't mean they are good ones but with digital you get to play around with settings etc until you are happy and can delete what you don't like.
Had a good birthday yesterday - uneventful as some should pass. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Mom brought me an ice cream cake and that was pretty tasty and saved Larry from having to bake one (he usually does me a chocolate pound cake). Went to exercise class last night in order to work some of that cake off. I should probably thank Cindy, as the belt I have been wearing lately I bought when I was 16 or 17 and it still fits - maybe all that punishment she deals out to us is the reason why.
 A real foggy morning on the lake yesterday as I walked over to meet Nancy.
Red-eyed Vireo, wish he would come down a little closer, instead of hiding way up in those trees!

 Can always depend on the Song Sparrow to be around.
 Hope this pesky squirrel stays in the woods and out of my feeders.
Just some grasses along the shoulder of the road.
Cedar Waxwing in the apple tree, last evening he was in my rose bush.

Enjoy your day

1 comment:

  1. I hope Cindy realizes you are just sucking up bahahaha....no i know you are being sincere...besides the physical benefits of the class you ge the social time with members from the hood which is good for your soul!! Glad you had a good day and hopefully today will be GREAT!!!!
