Thursday, March 30, 2017

Day 90 - 30th March 2017 - Junco, Goldfinches and Robin

I believe March has come in like and lion and is going out like a lion - the last few days we've had miserable weather. Wednesday was a combination of everything - rain, ice pellets/freezing rain, snow and then after supper it cleared and was nice, but just before dark another flurry of snow. Hoping Mother Nature has it all out of her system and Spring arrives soon. A pair of Crows flew back and forth over the yard - one carrying nesting material, obviously they know something the rest of us don't. I puttered around a bit - it was a day to curl up and read which I did too. Also, pulled up a stool to the kitchen window and Big B and I watched the birds at the feeders.
The birds perched on icy bushes - Junco
 A flock of about 50 Goldfinches were in the yard most of the day
And a couple of Pine Siskins were travelling with them.

A Robin seemed oblivious to the weather - just looking for worms and bugs.

Enjoy your day!

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