Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 266 - 23rd September 2015 - Cormorant, Black & White Warbler, Grandmother's Journal

Day off, thank goodness. Time to get caught up on the housework etc. Will have to get an early walk in since I have to be home "in case" they come to fix the phone. Maybe I need to make some bread, that always makes me feel better. Kneading is very therapeutic - good for getting your frustrations out.
Well the first couple day of this week have not been fabulous that's for sure. The pump issue took Larry most of the day to fix - nothing ever comes easy in our house and ended with the need for a new pump as this one is almost worn out (working for now though).  I had "words" with Aliant about the telephone being repaired. Things have to get better - right? But on the plus side I'm still walking and talking which must be good.
Someone needs a little Grandmother's Journal this morning:
25th September 1976: A beautiful day. Bob worked at getting ground ready for trees [apple]. Had a flat tire on the tractor, took it to town around noon. I worked cooking and making pickles. Very tired tonight. Over for a game of crib with Gertrude late in the afternoon. She came over tonight. Dance at Hall which they are going to. Cold at night. Ice over car this morning. 
26th September 1976: Very cold overnight, ice in Jays water tire. Beautiful day. Pulled onions. Picked tomatoes, still small. Made pickles, cleaned windows. Bob put storm windows on. Mr & Mrs. Arthur Bruce, Bernice Allen, Ralph & Alice Halliday were up. Lewis, Rita & Mary had their picnic lunch with them. Worked all day. Reggie & Gertrude over, Gertrude and her friend Edith took some pictures. Bob & Mike up. 
Our Cormorant has come to say good bye to us before spending the winter in the Harbour. He usually appears in the spring for a bit and again in the fall.

The sun was lazy coming over the tree tops.
Common Yellow-Throat Warbler
The Cormorant was skipping across the water.
Palm Warbler.
Black & White Warbler.

Enjoy your day!

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