Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 8 - 8th January 2016 - Frost, Bling, Goldfinches and a Red-Breasted Nuthatch

Nice morning out there maybe not quite as cold as it has been. Stars are all out, lake is chatting away. It's been talkative the last few days!  Well it's Friday, had  a little sleep in (nice) and I'm planning to do some of the same as I did yesterday. This year I'm going to make headway with some things, not twiddle away time.
After it warmed up some Thursday was a beautiful day. Of course I got my morning walk in, when I still need double gloves and a hat. Some progress on the photo collection or at least the notebooks that go with them - 40 recorded now to get them in chronological order and start a database. But there are several which contain bird counts in Shelburne County I'm particularly interested in so may just go back through those and read them. Already I can see it's not going to be a project that gets done quickly. Cleaned up/off the computer some and started an article for the newsletter. Exercise Class last evening - yes it was good - I hate steps but love Tabatas and it was a mix of both which made for a good compromise.
I loved frosty plants first thing in the morning.
Not thick enough for skating but there is a layer of ice across the lake.
Nature's Bling.
Three acrobatic Goldfinches.
Red-breasted Nuthatch - saw four of them yesterday on my walk.

Enjoy your day!

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