Sunday, January 10, 2016

Day 10 - 10th January 2016 - Canada Geese, Starlings and a Loon

Late night - early morning, I'm not going to be much good today! Well it's Sunday so I'll do my regular lunchbox prep this morning and laundry etc. . Larry will no doubt want to put in some more wood.  Maybe we'll have mostly a lazy day! Sounds like we are in for some bad weather tonight - wind and lots of rain but it's going to be mild.
Larry actually got up early on a Saturday (with out me waking him) so we got a good start to Cape Sable Island. I had several birds to search for but we really came up empty handed. It was cold, windy and snowing! No sign of the Great Egret, some fool with a gun was walking up and down the marsh. Although I'm sure  you can't hunt that close to the road and houses. Did see Canada Geese, Gulls a couple of Loons, tons of Starlings and a few others. Got groceries in Barrington and home early which meant that Larry had time to put wood in the basement. Went to a Birthday party in the evening - lots of fun - stayed out too late... for me!
Canada Geese hunkered down in the wind and snow.

There were two Loons at Cripple Creek Wharf.

This guy's wing doesn't look quite right.
And there were Starlings... Alfred Hitchcock movie!
They were settled in on some lobster traps.

Enjoy your day!

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