Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day 175 - 23rd June 2016 - Cedar Waxwing, Starling and Beach Peas

A little fog out there this morning, but looks like it's disappearing quickly and the sun is coming out. Crows, Loons, Song Sparrows and Hermit Thrushes were singing earlier. A good way to start of the day. Need to get a few things done around here this morning, ran out of time last night after supper, then it will be off for my morning walk and work.
The fog lifted, the sun shone and the wind ....well at least it wasn't blowing a gale. Made my walk along Dock Street. Great day, we did candle making in the afternoon and a few tourists joined in and had fun as we did. Planted potatoes in the morning and did some other gardening. Always something interesting on the go.
Cedar Waxwing.

Starlings were searching for breakfast along the waterfront.

 The flower baskets have been hung on the light posts. They really liven up the walk along Dock Street.
Beach Peas

Enjoy your day!

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