Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Day 159 - 7th June 2016 - Hermit Thrushes, Bunch Berry and Twin Flowers

 Pretty foggy out there this morning, maybe it will lift. I'll take Big B. with me anyway unless it starts raining, might be able to spot a few birds or one of the beavers in a cove. Looking forward to another day at work.
I got my morning walk in yesterday but was pretty wet by the time I met Nancy for my ride. Still good though, I enjoy that time along the lake even when the weather is miserable. The rain cleared around lunch time and the sun  came out in the afternoon, but remained humid. Good day at work, a few new things and I'm getting a handle on giving the guided tours, or I should say more comfortable. A few things done around the house after supper and Larry worked on piling wood in the basement. We've stopped putting feed in the feeders although I still see and hear some birds around. Now there is lots of things they can forage for and mostly my feeders get emptied by the Squirrels, Blue Jays and Grackles.  Seems to be a lot of Robins around and I heard a Northern Parula in one of the Apple Trees last evening.

 The Hermit Thrushes who were hanging out in the yard Sunday evening.
Bunch Berry. Once the flowers go, red berries will appear adding another little color to the forest floor.

You really have to look for these tiny one - Twin Flowers. One of my favourite wild flowers. They have a lovely sweet smell and you can often smell them before seeing them.

Enjoy your day!

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