Saturday, February 17, 2018

Day 48 - 17th February 2018 - Ice, Loon and Common Eiders's cold and windy this morning, but the sky is filled with stars. Today looks like a pretty good one except it's colder than the last few but tomorrow we have some snow on the way. Depending on what site you look at it could be 5-10cm or up to 15cm. Love that we have options, no two weather sites can agree on anything. The roads might be a bit slippery this morning if any water is left on them. Friday was a good day except a wet one so I didn't get out walking before we went to town. Lunch out and got our tickets for Chase the Ace tonight. Played Aggravation last evening and  I won - every man (or woman) for himself since there was an odd number of us. Today - it's groceries and a few errands. Not sure if we've got time for birding. Larry is off to the Smoker tonight so I'll whip up a few nibblies to send with him to Mike & Maureen's. He always goes there first and I'll go play Chase the Ace with the girls.

Common Eiders

Enjoy your day!

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