Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Day 45 - 14th February 2018 - Grandmother's Journal, Loon and Common Eider

Happy Valentine's Day!  A few stars in the sky, no wind, chilly and the Owls are calling up and down the road this morning. They aren't close today but I can hear them in the distance. Tuesday was a day around the house, worked on the spring cleaning - slowly, made red velvet cupcakes to give away, a roast for supper and took a quick jaunt around the hood to check out the water level. It had come up another foot from where I stuck a stick in the sand along the shore. Should start to recede today.
Grandmother's Journal:
14 February 1977:Overcast most of the day. Bob to MC before noon and back. Very icy this morning. Barb came for lunch. Up to Dentist this afternoon. Kim here for supper, off to Young Peoples and back for the night.
15 February 1977: Beautiful this morning. Bob home today. Drove his brother Lew around to take pictures for his new book. Picked me up at noon.  Mother and I got our hair done this afternoon. Real nasty by 3 o'clock, snow and rain. Mostly snow. Kim stayed home tonight to play badminton.Quiet just the two of us.
16 February 1977 - Bob took me down to Mother's early. Off to MC, he had lunch down at Campbell's hill with Jackson, Scotts and Jackson's friend. I played bridge at Maizie's this afternoon. Good game. No good for hunting, too much snow to do much around MC property.
 Low Tide
 Common Eider
Loon diving for lunch

Enjoy your day!

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