We took a little side trip to the Industrial Park Sunday morning before I went to work. Didn't have lot of time but it was pretty active down there. Lots of Common Yellowthroat Warblers, Northern Parulas, Red Eyed Vireos, Black & White Warbler, Chestnut Sided Warblers, Yellow Warblers, Ovenbird, Chickadees and Song Sparrows. The biggest problem was they were mostly hiding among tree branches or bushes but did get a few shots. And a 1/2 hour of birding puts a person in such a good mood for the day! I had a great weekend at the Dory Shop, back to the Ross Thomson House today. It's fun to switch around every once in a while and learn some new things.
Ovenbird, love the way he's peeking out.
Northern Parula
Common Yellowthroat Warbler
You can certainly tell where they get the name Red-Eyed Vireo from.
Enjoy your day!