Saturday, August 4, 2018

Day 175 - 4th August 2018 - Chickadee, Chestnut-sided Warbler and Blued-headed Vireo

If the old folklore saying of count the days of snowfall in the winter by the days we have fog in August hold true we should have a lot of snow this winter.  Seems every morning starts out with fog, but it does help to cool things off before the sun come out and the humidity shoots up again. The "heat warning" is still on the weather sites. Finally I spied the Black Throated Blue Warbler yesterday morning, no camera with me but it was a good morning to just enjoy the birds as the flitted around. Year four of finding him in the same area. Busy day at work. Finished off the day celebrating Margie's birthday.


Not sure but might be a young or female Chestnut Sided Warbler

Blue headed Vireo

Enjoy  your day!

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